
Tips and Techniques

It's all about the principles of muscle memory and how it applies to the sport of bowling....

Williams Sports Consulting provides high quality training to bowlers of all ages and abilities

Why Muscle Memory.com?
Tips & Techniques
Private Lessons

My philosophy in teaching and coaching is not just to instruct the class or student on the proper way I feel they should be bowling, but to give them the reason why they should change to improve their performance. Sometimes it involves physics and occasionally we need to talk about body structure, but if we didn't discuss the 'why', then the instruction lacks substance and doesn't really give the bowler-athlete a chance to understand our sport. Consequently, they just attribute any success to luck.

So, Where Do You Start?
About Ball Weight (More or Less)
The 'Bowling Cycle'
It Don't Mean a Thing if You Ain't Got That Swing....
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